
Are You a First Responder? Do You Know a First Responder?

First Responders Always Get Specially Discounted Fees For Our Services

In recognition of your dedication to service, we offer up to a 20% discount to First Responders on our net commission when you sell your home with us.

Furthermore, if you use us to buy your home, when you Close you can receive a rebate (credited at Closing) equivalent up to 20% of our commission on the sale, but no higher than the limits imposed by Federal and State law, and the amount must be approved by your Lender. I know this sounds a lot like double-speak bait and switch but those of us in the real estate industry have to be very careful that whatever we do or whatever we advertise and offer is within the law (subject to lender, state, and Federal RESPA restrictions).

Thank You For What You Do

I always believe that the work that I do each and every day will be the answer to somebody’s prayer.

For more information, or to get started, please provide your name and contact information,

or call us at 720-277-9001

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