Step 5 – Learn About the Neighborhood
Once you have visited a variety of properties and decided which properties you feel you would like to make an offer on, I will prepare a detailed report for you on the neighborhood for that home – just to make sure you are knowledgeable on ALL aspects of the home (and neighborhood) you wish to buy.
The report, at a minimum – data permitting, will include the following up-to-date information:
Neighborhood demographics
Public and private schools (if requested)
Climate reports
Houses of worship, by denomination, (if requested)
Proximity Maps to Shopping centers, country clubs, museums, airports, schools, etc.
Comparisons with other neighborhoods you choose to look at (locally or nationally)
Much of this information will have already been made available to you from the property information on this website, but I will be happy to supplement that data.
Remember, you should only make one offer. When a market is experiencing multiple offers, that is, multiple buyers making offers on the same home, it could be tempting to make offers on several homes at the same time. Not only is this unethical, but it could put you in a precarious financial situation if more than one offer is accepted.